Berlin Coupe Diorama – Disar Models
Coupé is the name given to the saloon that has been “cut” by eliminating the two front seats. In London they are better known by the name of Brougman, in France Flacré and, in Spain, Coupé. These were typical carriages seen all over Europe and in America during the 19th century and were generally pulled by horses.
The Berlin Coupe Diorama kit features all materials needed to finish the wagon and create the base. Fittings are already contained in a plastic hinged box, the kit has instructions in multiple languages. Paint tools and glue are sold separately. Measurements are for the completed diorama.
Length: 290mm(in)
Height: 200mm (in)
Width: 200mm (in)
Scale: 1:16
Level: Intermediate
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