Conestoga Wagon Diorama – Disar Models
The Conestoga is a heavy covered wagon; it was used extensively at the end of the 18th century and through the 19th century, in the eastern US and Canada. The wagon was drawn by horses, mules or oxen; it was designed to help cross rivers and streams, especially during the western colonization period in North America.
The Conestoga Wagon Diorama kit features all materials needed to finish the wagon and create the base but not contain any of the gravel or greenery.Fittings are already contained in a plastic hinged box, the kit has instructions in multiple languages with lots of photos for visual aids. Paint tools and glue are sold separately.
PN: DI50170
Length: 450mm (17.72in)
Height: 290mm (11.42in)
Width: 230mm (9.05in)
Scale: 1:20
Level: Advanced Beginner
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